You may return or exchange any unused item still in its original packaging, within 30 days of purchase.
The original cost of shipping is non-refundable.
You will be responsible for paying your own shipping costs to return or exchange an item.
For exchanges, we will pay the postage to return your exchanged item back to you.
Returns and Exchanges from Grand Canyon Conservancy Stores may be mailed to:
Grand Canyon Conservancy
Attn: Order Dept.
P.O. Box 399/ 2B Albright Ave.
Grand Canyon, AZ 86023
Please enclose a copy of your receipt with the item(s) indicating exchange or return instructions.
For exchanges, also include: | For returns: |
Please note: We are not affiliated with any other business in the park and cannot accept returns of their merchandise; if you bought the item from us, our name (Grand Canyon Conservancy, formerly Grand Canyon Association) will appear at the top of the receipt.